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To access the Talent Market Insights dashboards you need to have a Google Account that ends with @gmail.com or a work account that is part of G-suit that uses Gmail

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"The only Recruitment Analytics company that collects 30+ million vacancies per year"

Must Have Decision Makers' Insights Pack, a Set of Robust Talent Market and Competitor Analytics Dashboards.

  • Job Market Research: fatraven offers the job market data you can trust, and quickly gain insight into the Talent Market movements in real-time.
  • Competitive Research: Understand your competitors' strategy, gain a strategic market advantage and grow your market share.
  • Agency Discovery: Analyse competitors’ market distribution and gain insights. Know your competitor's market size and job posting share.
  • Regional Hotspots: Identify regional opportunities, analyse clients hiring patterns and upselling opportunities, and win clients strategically.
  • Salary Benchmarking: Keep Your Stakeholders Up-to-Date with the Latest Salary Trends in Their Industry.